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    UNIVERSAL RECORDS U2 - Songs Of Innocence

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    195 LEI


    U2: Songs Of Innocence

    1. "The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)"
    2. "Every Breaking Wave"
    3. "California (There Is No End to Love)"
    4. "Song for Someone"
    5. "Iris (Hold Me Close)"
    6. "Volcano"
    7. "Raised by Wolves"
    8. "Cedarwood Road"
    9. "Sleep Like a Baby Tonight"
    10. "This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now"
    11. "The Troubles"

    Bono – lead vocals, keyboards, guitar, dulcimer
    The Edge – guitar, backing vocals, keyboards, programming
    Adam Clayton – bass guitar, keyboards
    Larry Mullen, Jr. – drums, percussion, backing vocals

    "Many U2 albums experience a difficult birth, but their 13th studio record underwent a particularly extended labor. Gestating for years, possibly started immediately after 2009's No Line on the Horizon and ushered into existence by many midwives, Songs of Innocence appeared suddenly in September 2014, nearly nine months after "Invisible," the presumptive lead single for the record, flopped. "Invisible" is nowhere to be found on Songs of Innocence, yet its vaguely electronic thrum did indeed turn out to be a taste of where U2 were headed after those endless sessions wound up shepherded by Danger Mouse. Songs of Innocence -- its title taken from William Blake, although many music nerds may first think of David Axelrod -- does indeed incorporate electronic elements in a way no U2 album since Pop has, weaving samples, loops, and other flourishes within music that otherwise adheres to the self-conscious classicism that has been the band's stock in trade since Y2K. Which is another way of saying that where the U2 of the '90s looked forward, the 2014 U2 are looking back, aware of a legacy that includes decades of arena-filling anthems, the deliberate reinvention of Achtung Baby, and their initial inspiration from the great spark of punk rock. The latter also provides the thematic fuel on Songs of Innocence, a quasi-autobiographical coming-of-age story from Bono that begins with the big bang of "The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)." This opening fanfare doesn't sound a thing like the Ramones, nor does "This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now" sound like its reported inspiration, the Clash: they, like everything else here, sound like U2, albeit a U2 who are beginning to carry the weight of their years somewhat uneasily."



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