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    UNIVERSAL RECORDS Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da

    5.00 (1 review)
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    190 LEI



    AllMusic : Anyone familiar with the industrial metal band's dark sense of irony should take one look at the title of Rammstein's 2009 album LIEBE IST FÜR ALLE DA ("Love Is There for Everyone") and conclude that this one is a mean monster. Combining the tightness and punch of their 1998 album, Sehnsucht, with the musicianship and elaborate textures of their later work, LIEBE IST is a grand achievement, skillfully dividing its time between razor sharp metal rockers like "B********," or the opening theme song "Rammlied" and nostalgic cabaret pieces that conjure the spirits of Weil and Brecht at a goth club. The best of the latter is the naked and haunting closer "Roter Sand," but little touches of a sinister yesteryear are everywhere, like the fake vaudeville music in "Haifisch," or the soundtrack strings of "Wiener Blut," which are eventually overcome by a guitar-crunching juggernaut. This strange mix of styles is more effective here than it has been for about a decade, and there's no threat of the album becoming ponderous, either, as an economical track list and purposeful songs wipe away the sins of their previous album, 2005's Rosenrot. The group's loyal fans have remained loyal throughout the past decade and have braved all the difficult but ultimately rewarding efforts that came with it. To them, LIEBE IST FÜR ALLE DA is the big payoff and an instant classic. For the rest of the world, this is that once-a-decade, perfectly balanced Rammstein album that's immediately accessible but wide and deep enough to explore for years to come.

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    Sputnik: If Rammstein were to never make another album again, this would be a good way to checkout.

    The members of Rammstein have never been shy to admit that making an album in this band can be a colossal nightmare. Liebe ist für alle da was released four years after Rosenrot, with the band stating in interviews that Liebe ist für alle da was the most difficult album they’ve ever made, due to creative conflicts constantly at a head. This is also the reason why fans eagerly await the confirmed announcement of LP number seven for a 2016 release date, and if it comes true, it would mean fans have waited 7 long years for it. This album put a lot of strain on the members and is the reason why the band have laid dormant for so long since.

    Liebe ist für alle dais tight, heavy, melodic and brings everything any Rammstein fan could love to the table. The band bring certain elements to the forefront of Liebe ist für alle da’s sound; namely “pop” elements. Sometimes the album sprays accessible parts at you in tracks like “Mehr”; other times it just goes all out to bring you the catchiest tracks possible. The album’s singles “Ich Tu Dir Weh” and “Haifisch” are some of the most accessible songs made by the band to date: “Haifisch” is bouncy, catchy and so easy to listen to; while “Ich Tu Dir Weh” has a chorus that would suit a pop artist or radio rock band – the irony, that furthers its brilliance, is it got banned in Germany for its sadistic lyrical content. The band show they still know how to make a heavy song or two with tracks like “B********” and “Wiener Blut”, the former has a distinct keyboard sample from Flake playing in the background, while the music in front of it all rips your face off and comes reminiscent of the Mutter/Reise, Reise era; while the latter track is similar to the weirdness found on Sehnsucht, with samples of children laughing and odd vocals from Till, before shifting into the standard issue heavy chorus.



    1 reviews

    Perfect pentru un fan Rammstein, calitate ireprosabila.

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