UNIVERSAL RECORDS Dire Straits - Love Over Gold
A1 Telegraph Road
A2 Private Investigations
B1 Industrial Disease
B2 Love Over Gold
B3 It Never Rains
Mark Knopfler – vocals, guitar
John Illsley – bass, vocals
Pick Withers – drums, vocals
Hal Lindes - guitar
Alan Clark - keyboards
Mike Mainieri - percussion, marimba
Mastered from the original analogue and digital masters by Bernie Grundman and Bob Ludwig
Rolling Stone:
"Love Over Gold is not just the title of Dire Straits’ fourth album, it is a statement of purpose. In almost suicidal defiance of commercial good sense, singer-songwriter-guitarist Mark Knopfler has chosen to follow his muse, fashioning a collection of radically expanded epics and evocative tone poems that demand the listener’s undivided attention. Certainly a quantum leap from the organic R&B impressionism of the band’s early LPs (Dire Straits and Communique) and the gripping short stories of Making Movies, its 1980 best seller, Love Over Gold is an ambitious, sometimes difficult record that is exhilarating in its successes and, at the very least, fascinating in its indulgences."
"Adding a new rhythm guitarist, Dire Straits expands its sounds and ambitions on the sprawling Love Over Gold. In a sense, the album is their prog rock effort, containing only five songs, including the 14-minute opener "Telegraph Road." Since Mark Knopfler is a skilled, tasteful guitarist, he can sustain interest even throughout the languid stretches, but the long, atmospheric, instrumental passages aren't as effective as the group's tight blues-rock, leaving Love Over Gold only a fitfully engaging listen."
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