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    Sony Music
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    Sony Music Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe

    5.00 (1 review)
    My Black Friday My Black Friday
    Cod produs: 888430246911
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    80 LEI


    [allmusic] As the follow-up album to Oxygene, Equinoxe offers the same mesmerizing affect, with rapid spinning sequencer washes and bubbling synthesizer portions all lilting back and forth to stardust scatterings of electronic pastiches. Using more than 13 different types of synthesizers, Jarre combines whirling soundscapes of multi-textured effects, passages, and sometimes suites to culminate interesting electronic atmospheres. Never repeating the same sounds twice, it is obvious that the science fiction hype of the late '70s played a large part in the making of this album. Computerized rhythms and keyboard-soaked transitions scurry by, replaced by even quicker, more illustrious ones soon after. There is always a pulsating beat or a fluttering tempo happening somewhere in each of the tracks, which are titled as a numbered sequence one to eight. Each track harbors its own energy and electronic fleetness, but none are identical in sound or pace. So much electronic color is added to every track that it is impossible to concentrate on any particular segment, resulting in waves of synth drowning the ears at high tide.

    Image result for jean michel jarre

    [sputnik] Equinoxe was the second major-label album release by Jean-Michel Jarre, released in 1978. The total record sales of this album is more than 10 million copies, but yet inferior to the sales of Oxygene. The album reflects the all day life of a human being, from morning to night. This album clocks in at about 40 minutes altogether which is good for just 1 song that is "Equinoxe". The parts are quite awkwardly divided up into 8 which on vinyl is hard to differenticate whether a new part has started, but now this album is on CD so you don't have to worry about that.

    Jarre had developed his sound, employing more dynamic and rhythmic elements, particularly a greater use of sequencing on basslines. Much of this was achieved using custom equipment. This album consists of only keyboard and synthesisers. No vocals or other live instruments are used so basically this album is very unique in one aspect.

    The release followed by a concert in Paris in 1979. This concert attracted 1 million people, which was Jarre's first entry in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest crowd for an outdoor concert. This was later beaten by himself at a later date by far more millions in Moscow.

    Jean-Michel Jarre is regarded as one of the pioneers in the electronic music genre, along with artists and bands such as Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Isao Tomita or Tangerine Dream. He is well-known for staging spectacular outdoor concerts of his music, which feature laser displays and fireworks, and three of which appeared in the Guinness Book of Records for their large audiences, often of several million.


    REVIEW-URI PENTRU VINIL Sony Music Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe

    1 reviews

    Equinoxe, aparut in 1978, al doilea album al lui Jean-Michel Jarre, nu face doar sa confirme succesul primului, Oxigene, scos cu doi ani mai devreme, ci il ridica si il aliniaza cu cei mari ai vremii (Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze etc). Piesele sunt divizate clar intr-o fundatie ritmica peste care vine stratul melodic punctat de interludiile care devin o adevarata semantura pentru Jarre - un album demn de orice colectie care se respecta.

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