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    EDITION RECORDS Daniel Herskedal: The Roc

    Produsul nu are review-uri
    Cod produs: EDN1084LP
    In stoc showroom
    Livrare 10Lei *
    Solutii financiare
    Termen de retur de 14 zile
    Garantie 24 de luni
    139 LEI



    DANIEL HERSKEDAL - tuba, trompeta bas
    SVANTE HENRYSON - violoncel
    EYOLF DALE - pian

    Over the last 2 years, Daniel Herskedal, Helge Andreas Norbakken and Eyolf Dale (also on Edition) have defined themselves as one of the most unique and innovative small ensembles in Europe today, bringing together a vast mix of influences from Folk, Jazz, Classical and Arabic music.

    The sublime Slow Eastbound Train, released in 2015, took Herskedal’s international profile to new heights. He toured extensively throughout Europe and Japan, culminating in a 26min commission from the BBC Concert Orchestra, performed at London Jazz Festival 2016.

    A strong Arabic influence runs throughout The Roc, which has its roots in inspiring trips Herskedal made to Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Themes of place and travelling are ever-present, as they were on Slow Eastbound Train. The titles of some of the compositions originate from the names of scales (Kurd, Bayat, Nahawand To Kurd) and rhythms (Thuraaya) used in them; others from Arabic sayings (There Are Three Things You Cannot Hide; Love, Smoke And A Man Riding On A Camel) and places that inspired the musicians (Hijaz Train Station). The title of the LP itself is a reference to the great bird of pan-Asian mythology.

    Image result for Daniel Herskedal

    “A mesmerizingly dramatic soundscape…Throughout the album, the listener cannot fail to be transported to another place of heat and dust and occasionally, to another dimension entirely.” ALL ABOUT JAZZ (UK)

    “…one of the most unique and innovative small ensembles in Europe today, bringing a wide mix of influences from folk, Jazz, classical and Arabic music.” FRANCE MUSIQUE (FR)

    “All In all, this is a beautiful album, where Daniel Herskedal has been allowed to bring some of his favorite musicians, their beautiful compositions and ideas into Athletic Studio in Halden, and an indescribably beautiful record results,” SALT PEANUTS (NO)

    “…one of the most interesting and musically diverse small ensembles at work today.” JAZZWISE (UK)

    “The 34-year-old Norwegian is still the elegantly buzzing herald of a new mixture between European folklore, contemporary classical music, unadulterated jazz and Arabic music.” RONDO MAGAZINE (DE)

    “This quintet still pours forth a marvellously full-throated sound…While the musicianship is fantastic throughout, special mention should go to Skaslien’s lustrously sinuous viola playing that does most to burn memorable Arabic vibes through this fine album.” BEARDED MAGAZINE (UK)

    “Edition continues its triumphant quest to be Cardiff’s answer to the ECM label with this excellent jazz album from Herskedal…a celebration of Arabic culture, rhythms, and their idioms and is nowhere near as heavy as this sounds, due to the elegance of Herskedal’s compositions and his mastery of the tuba and bass trumpet.” BUZZ MAGAZINE (UK)

    “Herskedal’s playing makes a compelling argument for the tuba and bass trumpet to be considered mainstay instruments of jazz…The Roc. is a call to arms and, in a way, an indictment of the inclusiveness of the Western cultural bubble. It is an album that demands taking the time to understand others through experiencing what they experience in their own daily lives, in their own backyards, from their own perspectives.” NEXT BOP – THE NEXT GENERATION OF JAZZ (US)

    “Daniel Herskedal’s music takes the listener to a very special world, a musical place that straddles many different styles, from folklore to jazz, the evocation of atmosphere and charm to almost didactic melodies, from emotional attachment to reflective suspension.” JAZZ CONVENTION (IT)

    “The lush tonal colours of The Roc, the solid interaction and the confluence of the dark brass and the strings – viola and bass trumpet, tuba and cello – within the orchestral arrangements are amazing and delicious….The Roc is a deep and richly flavoured album that packs a punch…” LONDON JAZZ (UK)

    “The latest in a long line of players to prove that the wonderful instrument is capable of great things…” BBC RADIO SCOTLAND (UK)

    “This is an unusually expressive album using a variety of influences to produce sound paintings of exotic ideas and locations, while retaining engaging and interesting rhythms and arrangements.” THE AUSTRALIAN (AUS)

    “I found this album to be a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s a bit of a sweeping statement, but Scandinavian jazz certainly seems to continue to produce wonderful musicians with an incredible capacity to embrace their roots whilst pushing boundaries and musical genres to create some quite simply stunning music. Daniel Herskedal is most definitely one of those musicians leading the way.” UK VIBE (UK)



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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la VINIL EDITION RECORDS Daniel Herskedal: The Roc dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - VINIL EDITION RECORDS Daniel Herskedal: The Roc

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