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    Pat Metheny - chitara acustica si electrica
    Charlie Haden - contrabas
    Jack DeJohnette - tobe
    Dewey Redman - saxofon tenor
    Michael Brecker - saxofon tenor

    AllMusicGuide : "Pat Metheny's credibility with the jazz community went way up with the release of this package, a superb two-CD collaboration with a quartet of outstanding jazz musicians that dared to be uncompromising at a time when most artists would have merely continued pursuing their electric commercial successes. [...]

    The two original LPs were organized so that the more distinctive Metheny fusions were on sides one and four and the overt jazz tracks occupied sides two and three."
    Viniluri / Bucata

    ECM Pat Metheny: 80/81

    4.50 (2 review-uri)
    Cod produs: M602527278902
    In stoc, estimat livrare: Marti
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    179 LEI



    Pat Metheny - chitara acustica si electrica
    Charlie Haden - contrabas
    Jack DeJohnette - tobe
    Dewey Redman - saxofon tenor
    Michael Brecker - saxofon tenor

    Image result for pat metheny charlie haden

    AllMusicGuide : "Pat Metheny's credibility with the jazz community went way up with the release of this package, a superb two-CD collaboration with a quartet of outstanding jazz musicians that dared to be uncompromising at a time when most artists would have merely continued pursuing their electric commercial successes.

    From the disbanded Keith Jarrett American quartet came bassist Charlie Haden and tenor Dewey Redman -- who alternates with and occasionally plays alongside tenor Michael Brecker -- and Jack DeJohnette provides more combustible drumming than Metheny had ever experienced on record before. Yet Metheny's off-kilter wandering on solo electric guitar is a comfortable fit for the post-bop rhythmic crosscurrents of this music. Indeed, Haden and Metheny are in total sympathy, perhaps celebrating their mutual Missouri roots, and Metheny's difficult "Pretty Scattered" -- which he mockingly described as "Guitar Revenge!" -- nearly manages to stump even Redman and Brecker.

    The first of the "Two Folk Songs" is a great example of the Metheny folk-jazz fusion, with furious strummed guitar underpinning Brecker's melodic line and excursions on the outside and DeJohnette's spectacular drums. Another remarkable track is "Open," a group improvisation that finds DeJohnette shaping the track's direction with a pushing solo and Metheny and the saxes emerging at the end.

    The two original LPs were organized so that the more distinctive Metheny fusions were on sides one and four and the overt jazz tracks occupied sides two and three."


    REVIEW-URI PENTRU VINIL ECM Pat Metheny: 80/81

    2 reviews

    Calitatea inregistrarii este foarte buna. Copia mea are niste bube la un moment dat, probabil are niste praf sau inregistrarea nu a fost facuta corespunzator. Sunetul este cald si placut iar chitarele sunt foarte bune.


    Un regal ! Recomand celor carora avangarda si free-ul ii face fericiti. Casting tells it all ! Metheny e genial. Nu doar prin compozitii ci si pentru ca nu apare cu chitara electrica fara efecte (yeak ! Fara armonice parca nu are condimente, nu ?! Sunt generatia AC/DC... Proud of it !) decat rar. Ultima piesa, "Goin' Ahead" are prezenta celei reci si celei electrice - ca mica replica. Primele doua piese "Two Folk Songs" sunt legate si - sincer - dau dependenta. Highly recommended !

    Articole relevante pentru VINIL ECM Pat Metheny: 80/81


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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la VINIL ECM Pat Metheny: 80/81 dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - VINIL ECM Pat Metheny: 80/81

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