Mathias Eick - trompeta, voce
Hakon Aase - vioara
Andreas Ulvo - pian
Audun Erlien - bas electric
Torstein Lofthus - tobe
Helge Andreas Norbakken - tobe, percutie
Eick's compositions have an overall darkness about them though their sophistication and accents, the punctuation of bass and percussion, makes for a highly listenable blend of emotions, without jolting fluctuations. As with Midwest the music on Ravensburg is deeply atmospheric. [ AllAboutJazz ]
ECM Mathias Eick: Ravensburg
Mathias Eick - trompeta, voce
Hakon Aase - vioara
Andreas Ulvo - pian
Audun Erlien - bas electric
Torstein Lofthus - tobe
Helge Andreas Norbakken - tobe, percutie
Album inregistrat in iunie 2017 la Rainbow Studio, Oslo
AllAboutJazz :
"On his previous ECM release, Midwest (2015), trumpeter and composer, Mathias Eick plotted the course of his Norwegian ancestors to the heartland of America. Drawn from his own travels as well, Eick applies personal experiences and family lore once again on Ravensburg, named for the German town of his grandmother. Here the journey is closer to home and considers Eick's roots in Germany as well as Norway. The inspirations—as the song titles indicate—are family, friends and other close relationships whose memories endure.
The composition of the group is similar to Midwest in terms of instrumentation, if not personnel. Only percussionist Helge Norbakken remains from the previous quintet. Norbakken has worked with Eick since his ECM leader debut The Door, in 2008. His drum kit is unique: a low-tuned rototom—a drum with no shell and a variable pitch—home-made cymbals, African drums, brushwood bundles and more. The Ravensburg group expands to a sextet with the addition of a second drummer, Torstein Lofthus, who has progressive rock and jazz backgrounds and appeared on Eick's Skala (ECM, 2011) along with bassist Audun Erlien and pianist Andreas Ulvo. Violinist Håkon Aase is new to Eick's sphere but not to ECM, having played with Thomas Strønen's Time Is A Blind Guide.
Eick's compositions have an overall darkness about them though their sophistication and accents, the punctuation of bass and percussion, makes for a highly listenable blend of emotions, without jolting fluctuations. As with Midwest the music on Ravensburg is deeply atmospheric. When the violin is clearly present, it adds beautiful touches; the drummers (which of the two is sometimes difficult to discern) add a complexity that is in sharp contrast to the central mood, but always additive. Ravensburg is rich, welcoming and should be heard in full to be appreciated."
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