ECM Manu Katche: Neighbourhood
Manu Katche - tobe
Tomasz Stanko - trompeta
Jan Garbarek - saxofon tenor
Marcin Wasilewski - pian
Slawomir Kurkiewicz - contrabas
Jahrespreis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik
Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik - Bestenliste 4/2005
BBC Music Magazine - Jazz Choice
Jazz FM - Album of the Month
Jazz Magazine - Disque d'émoi de l'année
Jazz Magazine - Disque d’émoi
Musica Jazz - Disco del mese
Manu Katché, who leads this relaxed supersession featuring trumpeter Tomasz Stanko and saxophonist Jan Garbarek, is the kind of drummer who can’t not groove. On Neighbourhood he adds propulsion to the kind of chamber jazz that too often floats in a musical soup of formless percussion. He makes a beautiful sound on his kit, too, and meshes nicely with pianist Marcin Wasilewski and double bassist Slawomir Kurkiewicz on the opening track. … Neighbourhood is a thoughtful, feelgood jazz album that harks back to the traditions of modern jazz while remaining contemporary – thanks to Katché’s inventive drumming.
John L Walters, The Guardian
Neighbourhood will head my end-of-year list unless something truly amazing comes out between now and December. This is music that grows on you – the beautiful, sensual sounds of Tomasz Stanko’s trumpet and Jan Garbarek’s saxophone weave melodic shapes while Marcin Wasilewski’s piano provides the perfect counterpoint with elegant musical inventions of his own.
Stuart Nicholson, Observer Music Monthly
Ruminative, soulful and always melodic, this is cool jazz with a fiery heart.
John Bungey, The Times
This beautifully recorded album, as contemporary in its overall breadth and depth of conception as it is archetypal in poetic import and melodic appeal, will come to be seen as a milestone of European jazz. Far and away the release of the year, and, for me at least, worthy of the sort of attention and veneration that has long been accorded Kind Of Blue.
Michael Tucker, Jazz Journal International
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