Keith Jarrett, Jan Garbarek, Charlie Haden, Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra ( dirijor Mladen Gutesha )
AllMusic: "With saxophonist Jan Garbarek and bassist Charlie Haden along for the ride, Keith Jarrett indulges in three slow, rambling, meditative, vaguely neo-classical concertos for piano and string orchestra.
While a few of Jarrett's and Garbarek's passages here and there have a syncopated jazz feeling, this is mostly contemporary classical music, perhaps even somewhat ahead of its time (it might fit in with the neo-Romantic and minimalist camps today). However, although this music can be attractive in small doses, the lack of tempo or texture contrasts over long stretches of time -- particularly the nearly 28-minute "Mirrors" -- can be annoying if you're not in the right blissful mood. Mladen Gutesha and the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra perform the string parts with what can only be described as commendable patience. "
ECM Keith Jarrett: Arbour Zena
Octombrie 1975
Keith Jarrett - pian
Jan Garbarek - saxofon tenor si sopran
Charlie Haden - bas
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, dirijor Mladen Gutesha
AllMusic: "With saxophonist Jan Garbarek and bassist Charlie Haden along for the ride, Keith Jarrett indulges in three slow, rambling, meditative, vaguely neo-classical concertos for piano and string orchestra.
While a few of Jarrett's and Garbarek's passages here and there have a syncopated jazz feeling, this is mostly contemporary classical music, perhaps even somewhat ahead of its time (it might fit in with the neo-Romantic and minimalist camps today). However, although this music can be attractive in small doses, the lack of tempo or texture contrasts over long stretches of time -- particularly the nearly 28-minute "Mirrors" -- can be annoying if you're not in the right blissful mood. Mladen Gutesha and the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra perform the string parts with what can only be described as commendable patience. "
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