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    ACT Nils Landgren: Some Other Time - A Tribute To Leonard Bernstein

    Produsul nu are review-uri
    Cod produs: L0614427981318
    In stoc showroom
    Livrare 10Lei *
    Solutii financiare
    Termen de retur de 14 zile
    Garantie 24 de luni
    125 LEI


    Right in time for Nils Landgren's 60th birthday celebration the most elaborate project of his unparalleled carrer will be published. This album includes the music of musiclas like "West Side Story and a phenomenal line-up, among others his All-Star band, Bochumer Symphoniker and singer Janis Siegel of the legendary "The Manhatten Transfer". Together with conductor and arranger Vince Mendoza they build a memorial for a friend of Jazz and great composer of the 20th century, Leonard Bernstein.

    Nils Landgren / trombone & vocals
    Janis Siegel / vocals
    Jan Lundgren / piano
    Dieter Ilg / bass
    Wolfgang Haffner / drums

    Members of the Bochumer Symphoniker
    arranged & conducted by Vince Mendoza

    “Jazz is the joy of playing, and hence entertainment in the best sense of the word” (Leonard Bernstein)Of all the great classical maestros of his generation, Leonard Bernstein was the key advocate of jazz. He was not only a profound authority on jazz music, he could also play it on the piano and used its elements when he composed. All the stranger that jazz musicians have practically never adapted Bernstein. These were the exact thoughts of ACT boss Siggi Loch who suggested to Nils Landgren that he create a tribute to the great 20th century composer. And Landgren didn’t have to think twice about it: “I have always been a fan of Bernstein, as a musician, as a conductor, as a composer and simply as a person. His music is unique, the way he writes is distinctive, emotional and always so human.”What Landgren didn’t know yet was that “Some...

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