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    Esbjorn Svensson - pian, claviaturi, percutie
    Dan Berglund - bas, percutie
    Magnus Ostrom - tobe, percutie

    The album is forcefully controlled, quite ethereal, and classical in both style and grace. The trajectory of the music is understated, with improvising being hardly essential, merely hinted at, as it seems that E.S.T. work as three entities ... those being the band, the individuals, and the music, where they sound as if they’re talking in chord sequences, in a rhythmic cycle that ebbs and flows, before bending back onto themselves, and stepping into a new space to begin the whole process again. What one needs to grasp is the notion of strategies, rather than improvisation, hence the change that allows for E.S.T. to create atmospheric textures that are as much jazz as they are ambient washes of emotion.

    From Gagarin’s Point Of View is cool, laid back, and spontaneous in restrained manner that creates a dynamic tension that holds one’s attention, and inspires an inquisitive nature, anticipating where the music is headed as it’s happening, and joyfully holding on for the ride without feeling battered or waylaid.
    Viniluri / Bucata

    ACT Esbjorn Svensson Trio: From Gagarin's Point Of View

    Produsul nu are review-uri
    Cod produs: ACTLP 9005

    ATENTIE: Produsul VINIL ACT Esbjorn Svensson Trio: From Gagarin's Point Of View nu mai este disponibil la

    Acest lucru se datorează de cele mai multe ori faptului că producătorul ACT a încetat să mai fabrice acest model sau l-a înlocuit cu unul mai performant.

    Livrare 10Lei *
    Solutii financiare
    Termen de retur de 14 zile
    Garantie 24 de luni



    Esbjorn Svensson - pian, claviaturi, percutie
    Dan Berglund - bas, percutie
    Magnus Ostrom - tobe, percutie

    Inregistrat si mixat de catre Janne Hansson in mai, septembrie - decembrie 1998, la Atlantis Studio.

    Masterizat de catre Classe Persson ( CRP Recording ), din benzile analogice originale.

    "The album is forcefully controlled, quite ethereal, and classical in both style and grace. The trajectory of the music is understated, with improvising being hardly essential, merely hinted at, as it seems that E.S.T. work as three entities ... those being the band, the individuals, and the music, where they sound as if they’re talking in chord sequences, in a rhythmic cycle that ebbs and flows, before bending back onto themselves, and stepping into a new space to begin the whole process again. What one needs to grasp is the notion of strategies, rather than improvisation, hence the change that allows for E.S.T. to create atmospheric textures that are as much jazz as they are ambient washes of emotion.

    From Gagarin’s Point Of View is cool, laid back, and spontaneous in restrained manner that creates a dynamic tension that holds one’s attention, and inspires an inquisitive nature, anticipating where the music is headed as it’s happening, and joyfully holding on for the ride without feeling battered or waylaid."



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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la VINIL ACT Esbjorn Svensson Trio: From Gagarin's Point Of View dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - VINIL ACT Esbjorn Svensson Trio: From Gagarin's Point Of View

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