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    Pick-up Soulines, fara Pre Phono

    Pick-up Soulines, fara Pre Phono (5 rezultate)

    Proiectarea tt42 a fost realizata folosind software-ul de modelare 3D si folosind raportul de aur si secventa Fibonacci, pentru a obtine un sistem complet echilibrat mecanic. Astfel, centrul de masa al platoului rotativ este plasat pe axa verticala de rotatie a arborelui/platoului principal al lagarului, reducand momentul de inertie pana la centrul masei.
    Pentru a obtine o amortizare uniforma a vibratiilor in intregul spectru de frecvente, au fost alese diferite materiale, cum ar fi acrilul, aluminiul si otelul inoxidabil, pentru componentele plintei si subplintului, in functie de caracteristicile lor mecanice specifice. Toate componentele sunt prelucrate cu precizie CNC si finisate manual la cele mai inalte standarde.

    • Operare: Manual
    • Antrenare: Curea
    • Pre Phono: Nu
    • Capac: Nu

    Desire to design a turntable that is advanced by performance, as well as elegant and compact by dimensions, brought us to Elgar DCX. We named it after English composer Edward Elgar, who was the first composer of classical music to take the gramophone seriously, as well as the composer of our favorite cello concerto - the Cello Concerto in E minor.

    • Operare: Manual
    • Antrenare: Curea
    • Pre Phono: Nu
    • Capac: Da

    Idea to design a simple but versatile, compact but elegant, high performance yet affordable turntable, resulted in form of the Satie DCX turntable.

    • Operare: Manual
    • Antrenare: Curea
    • Pre Phono: Nu
    • Capac: Da

    Dostoyevsky DCX was conceived as a "classic" turntable, wooden rectangular box with platter and tone-arm on the top.
    The idea was to build around "classical turntable look" while incorporating design and engineering required for great sounding turntable.

    • Operare: Manual
    • Antrenare: Curea
    • Pre Phono: Nu
    • Capac: Da

    A 33.33rpm revolving, three hundred-millimeters-diameter disk, with its drive block and three docking arms-cone supports extending from the underneath. Tone-arm firmly mounted on its own curved extension, steadily track the grooves, transmitting the music and transferring emotions ........Enter the Kubrick DCX turntable

    • Operare: Manual
    • Antrenare: Curea
    • Pre Phono: Nu
    • Capac: Da

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