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    Muzica Gen: Jazz

    Muzica Gen: Jazz (668 rezultate)

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    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Acoustic Sounds Series

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: 180g
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Tone Poet reissue series

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: 180g
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc
    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Thomas Stronen - tobe
    Ayumi Tanaka - pian
    Hakon Aase - vioara
    Lucy Railton - violoncel
    Ole Morten Vagan - contrabas

    Norwegian drummer/composer Thomas Strønen presents a revised edition of his acoustic collective Time Is A Blind Guide, now trimmed to quintet size, and with a new pianist in Wakayama-born Ayumi Tanaka.

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: 180g
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Ralph Towner - chitara clasica, double-six
    John Abercrombie - chitara acustica, , electrica, mandolina electrica

    John Abercrombie is unique among guitarists in that whenever he becomes enraptured his sound becomes neither louder nor more pronounced but becomes somehow mysterious, liberated. Ralph Towner, on the other hand, revels in the crackling ruptures that so characterize his playing. Yet these roles seem reversed in this follow-up to the duo’s Sargasso Sea. A far more fragile carnation than its predecessor, it seems to forego the usual bag of tricks in favor of something more, as the album’s title would imply, reflective. This is especially apparent in the three improvisations with which the set list is dotted, and nowhere more so than in “Late Night Passenger,” where Abercrombie’s laddered filaments provide stunning berth for the other’s muted, jangling starlight. [ ecmreviews ]

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: 180g
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc

    Nik Bartsch - pian
    Sha - bas clarinet, contrabas clarinet
    Kaspar Rast - tobe, percutie
    Nicolas Stocker - tobe, percutie
    Etienne Abelin - vioara
    Ola Sendecki - vioara
    David Schnee - viola
    Solme Hong - violoncel
    Ambrosius Huber - violoncel

    Few musicians have continued to hone a concept as singularly unique and instantly recognizable, irrespective of context, as that being explored by Swiss pianist Nik Bärtsch since he first formed Mobile with Don Li, Kaspar Rast and Mats Eser in 1997. First emerging on record in 2001 with Ritual Groove Music (Self-Released, reissued Ronin Rhythm, 2006), Bärtsch has evolved three very different contexts with which to explore the confluence of trance-inducing minimalist elements with rigorous, ritualistic compositional constructs, a deep interest in Japanese culture and other musical touchstones. While all three contexts—in addition to the all-acoustic Mobile, Bärtsch has performed and recorded as a solo pianist, as well as with the more elastic and jazz/funk-centric Ronin—share common DNA-level elements, each context is also different: refracting Bärtsch's underlying architectures through a series of disparate prisms.

    • Numar discuri: 2
    • Greutate Vinil: 180g
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Markus Stockhausen - trompeta, corn, sintetizator
    Gary Peacock - contrabas
    Fabrizio Ottaviucci - pian
    Zoro Babel - tobe

    Cunoscut pentru albumele cu Aparis, Markus este fiul compozitorului contemporan cu acelasi nume ( Karlheinz ). Spre deosebire de tatal sau, Markus face o muzica meditativa, introspectiva , dar muzicala, melodioasa, fara nici o legatura cu muzica concreta, doar utilizarea mijloacelor electronice de expresie pe langa instrumentele normale.

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc


    Mark Turner - saxofon tenor
    Ethan Iverson - pian

    With Temporary Kings two of the most distinct voices on today’s jazz scene present their debut on record as a duo: Engaging in inspired dialogue Mark Turner and Ethan Iverson here explore aesthetic common ground in the atmosphere of a modernist chamber music-like setting at the Auditorio Stelio Molo RSI, Lugano. The saxophonist and the pianist had begun their association in the Billy Hart Quartet, where the two players featured sympathetically on two ECM albums by that band. The new duo album now contains six originals by Iverson (among them the nostalgic solo tune “Yesterday’s Bouquet”) and two by Turner (including “Myron’s World,” which has acquired near-classic status among contemporary jazz players). There’s an off-kilter blues (“Unclaimed Freight”) and a strikingly melodic, almost Ravelian opening track dedicated to the town where the album was recorded under ideal sonic conditions (“Lugano”), plus an interpretation of Warne Marsh’s playfully serpentine “Dixie’s Dilemma.”

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: 180g
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    In The Country:
    Morten Qvenild - pian, electronice
    Roger Arntzen - contrabas, electronice
    Pal Hausken - tobe, percutie, vibrafon, electronice

    Genuine novelistic: Morten Qvenilds piano trio oscillates between tradition and experiment, minimalism, moody chants and anthemic intensity.

    LPul include si varianta CD ( in mapa de carton )

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    DENYS BAPTISTE - saxofon sopran si tenor
    NIKKI YEOH - pian si claviaturi
    NEIL CHARLES - bas
    ROD YOUNGS - tobe

    GARY CROSBY - bas
    STEVE WILLIAMSON - saxofon tenor

    The Late Trane is the powerful and commanding new album from British saxophonist Denys Baptiste, a giant of the UK jazz scene. Reimagining and reworking ten carefully chosen composition from John Coltrane’s late music (from 1963 – 1967) with a fresh and modern new interpretation, The Late Trane perfectly balances Denys Baptiste’s unique artistic vision with the visceral emotions and cosmic references that encompasses Coltrane’s late music.

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Larry Grenadier - contrabas

    Larry Grenadier’s The Gleaners is a profound and highly creative album, harvesting influences from many sources, its title inspired by Agnès Varda’s film The Gleaners and I. In between his own pieces here, including a dedication to early hero Oscar Pettiford, Grenadier explores compositions by George Gershwin, John Coltrane, Paul Motian, Rebecca Martin and Wolfgang Muthspiel.

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    Dewey Redman, Charlie Haden, Perry Robinson, Don Cherry, Andrew Cyrille, Paul Motian, Gato Barbieri, Roswell Rudd, Mike Mantler, Carla Bley

    A fascinating reissue that comfortably straddles the lines of jazz, folk, and world music, working up a storm by way of a jazz protest album that points toward the Spanish Civil War in particular and the Vietnam War in passing. Haden leads the charge and contributes material, but the real star here may in fact be Carla Bley, who arranged numbers, wrote several, and contributed typically brilliant piano work. Also of particular note in a particularly talented crew is guitarist Sam Brown, the standout of “El Quinto Regimiento/Los Cuatro Generales/Viva la Quince Brigada,” a 21-minute marathon. (

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc


    Olavi Louhivuori - tobe, sintetizatoare
    Osmo Ikonen - violoncel, sintetizatoare
    Ilmari Pohjola - trombon, sintetizatoare
    Lasse Sakara - chitara
    Lasse Lindgren - bas, sintetizatoare

    Hypermetros is the fifth album from Finnish sound sculptors and creators of atmospheric epics, Oddarrang. The album is rooted by bold hooks and melodies, and moulded with raw, emotive themes; the title references the Greek word meaning ‘beyond measure’, which perfectly reflects the band’s ambition and vision. Closer in style to In Cinema (2013) and Cathedral (2009) than to the previous album Agartha (2016) Hypermetros is arguably Odderang’s most compelling album to date – warm, rich and uplifting!

    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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    • Numar discuri: 2
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc
    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc
    • Numar discuri: 2
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc
    • Numar discuri: 2
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

    In stoc
    • Numar discuri: 1
    • Greutate Vinil: Normal
    • Gen muzica: Jazz
    • Tip Album: VINIL

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