Audio-Technica AT-ART 9 (MC)
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Acest lucru se datorează de cele mai multe ori faptului că producătorul Audio-Technica a încetat să mai fabrice acest model sau l-a înlocuit cu unul mai performant.
Fabricat in Japonia
Audio-Technica’s flagship magnetic core MC type cartridge with very high quality magnetic circuit.
The AT-ART9 inherits the basic magnetic design from the AT50ANV, which was developed as our 50th anniversary model. Also, It reproduces the highest-quality sound using the vibration system from the AT-OC9/III.
Fabricat in Japonia
Neodymium magnet and permendur yoke have drastically increased the magnetic energy
A neodymium magnet is employed with a maximum energy product BHmax of 50[kJ/m3] whilst a permendur yoke is used with a high saturation flux density and excellent magnetic materials.
Hybrid body that reduces unnecessary parasitic resonance
The housing is made of machined aluminium materials and the cover is made of hard plastic materials. This disperses parasitic resonance and results in clear sound quality.
Machined aluminium base
The base that supports the magnetic circuit and vibration system is made of machined aluminium material. This enables it to serve as a solid base to support stable playback capability.
High-separation, wide-response dual moving coil
The basic structure is an original MC type, with separate cylindrical coils to the left and right channels. Since power is generated independently in each of the left and right channels, this structure offers truly superior separation. If the signal from the opposite channel escapes, this can cause intermodulation distortion and have a decisive impact on audio quality and how the stereo sound spreads. The structure of this product ensures a clear and smooth sound. Additionally, the two coils have a reverse-V shape which reduces effective moving mass as seen from the stylus tip, limiting unnecessary movement of the coil and further eliminating distortion.
Special line contact stylus and solid boron cantilever with a 0.26 mm diameter
The stylus tip is a special line contact type with a 40 µm × 7 µm curvature radius (used in the AT50ANV) and a solid boron cantilever with a 0.26 mm diameter. This allows accurate transfer of music signals read by the stylus tip to the magnetic coil.
High-sound-quality brass mounting screws
Two brass mounting screws are provided to attach the cartridge to the shell. They are optimally suited to the high sound quality of the cartridge itself.
PCOCC coil
The PCOCC coil enables purer transmission because it does not produce grain boundaries in the direction of the transmission.
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