Developing the HD30 meant we had to go so far as to tweak and improve on the best measurement equipment in the world first. Only then could we technically address the things we had heard (or rather, not heard) for as long as DAC’s have been around.
Hegel HD30
ATENTIE: Produsul DAC Hegel HD30 nu mai este disponibil la
Acest lucru se datorează de cele mai multe ori faptului că producătorul Hegel a încetat să mai fabrice acest model sau l-a înlocuit cu unul mai performant.
Developing the HD30 meant we had to go so far as to tweak and improve on the best measurement equipment in the world first. Only then could we technically address the things we had heard (or rather, not heard) for as long as DAC’s have been around.
Ultra low noise floor:
With careful layout, separate powersupplies for the ”noisy” and ”not noisy” areas and careful
distancing to the transformers we have achieved a noise floor approaching -150dB
Phase noise:
Phase noise is also know as skirting, and is form of jitter that creates noise in the immediate
frequencies around the main tone. The effects of phase-noise is lack of precision and and blurring of details. The reduction of phase noise is done be re-developing our master clock with careful matching of transistors and the clock crystal. Like a SUPER-CLOCK. The result is stunning imagery and a very life like sound.
New inputs:
The HD30 includes both Balanced AES/EBU and BNC, as well as coaxial, network, and 3 optical
Further improved Apple AirPlay:
With the improved master clock we have taken the sound from AirPlay to unheard of quality levels in the HD30, maximising the experience from streaming service like TIDAL, Beats etc
Upnp streaming:
Streaming from a NAS drive to the HD30 is significantly improved compared to the first streaming products we made - like the H160.
With the new master clock and advanced noise shielding, the HD30 is a true streamer.
Works with ”all” apps:
The idea behind Hegel streaming is that you should be able to use the app of choice, and change as you please. The HD30 will work with most all apps on the market.
DSD 64/128:
The USB input now supports native DSD64/128
New D/A-Converter:
Brand new D/A converter with improved master clock and new AKM4490 chips in dual mono.
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