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    Ai o intrebare?
    Boxe premium dezvoltate de Yamaha ce seteaza un nou standard in performanta audio.
    Boxe / Pereche

    Yamaha NS-5000

    Produsul nu are review-uri
    Cod produs: NS-5000
    In stoc showroom
    Livrare 10Lei *
    Solutii financiare
    Termen de retur de 14 zile
    Garantie 24 de luni
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    Q & A: Boxe si amplificatoare

    Află despre puterea boxelor și a amplificatoarelor, despre cum le întrebuințăm și cum le alegem, în articolul de pe blog



    Introducing Yamaha’s flagship 3-way bookshelf speaker system, setting a new standard in performance and quality by which all other Hi-Fi speakers should be judged.

    Newly developed diaphragms boast acoustic velocity comparable to that of beryllium

    Newly developed R.S. (Resonance Suppression) Chambers suppress unwanted resonance in the mid and high ranges

    30 cm (12”) 3-way bookshelf design draws on the tradition of the legendary NS-1000M

    Carefully crafted laminated plywood enclosure made of Japanese white birch from the island of Hokkaido

    Newly developed Acoustic Absorber eliminates sound-absorbing material to revive the original presence of the music

    Glossy black piano finish provides improved signal-to-noise performance — and adds to the luxurious joy of ownership

    Frequency-dividing Network



    As a result of meticulous research on a variety of enclosure designs during the development of the NS-5000, we chose a bookshelf design as a successor to the continuing legacy of the NS-1000M (released in 1974), the pinnacle of Yamaha monitor speakers. This bass-reflex enclosure with an internal volume of 65 liters — the smallest possible size for a 30 cm (12”) 3-way configuration — is solidly assembled with the 3-way mitered joint construction technique and other traditional crafting methods. Reinforcing crosspieces inside the enclosure, based on FEM analysis, suppress “box ringing” caused by delayed vibration from the six surfaces of the enclosure. In addition, a twisted flare port prevents port noise (wind noise produced at each end of a bass reflex port) inherent in the bass reflex design, and improves resolution in the low frequency range while also enhancing signal-to-noise performance.



    NS-5000's tweeter, midrange, and woofer all feature diaphragms made of 100%* ZYLON® — a synthetic fiber created in Japan rated as the world’s strongest** and boasting optimum elasticity — and vapor-coated with Yamaha's proprietary monel alloy. The soft-dome diaphragm suppresses peaks and dips in the frequency response caused by the inherent resonance of the diaphragm, while taking advantage of ZYLON®'s high acoustic velocity comparable to that of beryllium. The result is a remarkably flat frequency response, with unified tone color and acoustic velocity over the entire frequency range, providing comfortable listening experience and meticulously accurate, superb sound reproduction of the highest degree.


    Newly Developed Acoustic Absorber Eliminates Sound-absorbing Material to Revive the Original Presence of the Music: The cuboid enclosure unifies internal standing waves at a specified frequency, which are cancelled by a newly developed resonance tube (patent pending). This technology eliminates the previous need for the huge amount of sound-absorbing material inside the enclosure. The result is the virtual elimination of standing waves with amazing efficiency and pin-point accuracy—to energetically revive the essential presence of music, formerly lost by sound absorption.


    Newly developed R.S. (Resonance Suppression) Chambers Suppress Unwanted Resonance in the Mid and High Ranges: Mounted on the back of the tweeter and midrange speaker units are newly developed R.S. Chambers (patent pending) that suppress unnecessary tube resonance generated behind the diaphragm. Two specially shaped tubes installed in accordance with our proprietary acoustic analysis cancel tube resonance. These R.S. Chambers achieve higher-resolution audio reproduction by eliminating the need for a large quantity of sound-absorbing material inside the enclosure that tends to smooth the frequency response of each speaker unit and might degrade minute nuances of the sound.





    Specificatii tehnice pentru Boxe Yamaha NS-5000

    Design pe 3 cai, bas-reflex
    Difuzoare inalte
    1 x 3 cm
    Difuzoare medii
    1 x 8 cm
    Difuzoare bas
    1 x 30 cm
    Raspuns in frecventa
    26 Hz-40 kHz (-10dB)
    Sensibilitate (2,83V/1 m)
    88 dB
    Putere RMS
    200 W
    Impedanta nominala
    6 ohm
    Frecventa crossover
    750 Hz / 4.5 kHz
    395 x 690 x 381 cm
    35 kg / boxa
    Alte caracteristici
    Includ standurile dedicate
    Tip boxe
    Boxe de podea

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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la Boxe Yamaha NS-5000 dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - Boxe Yamaha NS-5000

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