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    Ai o intrebare?
    The new Jersey MC170 offers all the key Cabasse features in an innovative but affordable 3-way set-up.
    Boxe / Pereche

    Cabasse Jersey MC170

    Produsul nu are review-uri
    Cod produs: ref.35320


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    Boxe Cabasse Jersey MC170  Natural Oak  
    Natural Oak
    Boxe Cabasse Jersey MC170  Negru lucios + 1400 lei
    Negru lucios
    Boxe Cabasse Jersey MC170  Alb lucios + 1400 lei
    Alb lucios
    In stoc showroom
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    Termen de retur de 14 zile
    Garantie 24 de luni
    4.899 LEI / Pereche

    Q & A: Boxe si amplificatoare

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    The new Jersey MC170 offers all the key Cabasse features in an innovative but affordable 3-way set-up. Cabasse has fitted this speaker with a new coaxial two-way driver and new twin woofers, for a wide dispersion and uncompressed sound reproduction, homogeneous in every direction. These speakers impress with their easy sonic integration and musical versatility, where the extended, dense and precise low frequencies enhance the richness and refinement of the mid and high ranges.

    Choose either the black ebony or white oak finishing for optimum aesthetic integration.


    The new two-way midrange/tweeter of the MC170 range is a development of the unit responsible for the continuous success of the Cabasse Eole coaxial satellite. It offers a faithful reproduction of timbres and provides a soundstage with unrivaled realism and depth in its price segment, for both stereo and multichannel use.


    The specific shape of the 17cm (6.7in) driver units was specifically designed by Cabasse for maximum mechanical rigidity and lowfrequency use which results in a deeper bass without coloration. Combined with a vent firing down in 360°, their high power handling and acceleration abilities are outstanding.


    The Cabasse measuring protocol in the anechoic chamber takes into account measurements on the listening axis and at 360° around the speaker for perfect control of the directivity and global power output in keeping with the Cabasse HDSE principle (Homogeneous Distribution of the Sonic Energy). Direct and reflected sounds are homogeneous, the sound stage wide and stable.


    Specificatii tehnice pentru Boxe Cabasse Jersey MC170

    Difuzoare inalte
    Midrange + Treble: coaxial 2-way 10T15MC
    Difuzoare medii
    Midrange + Treble: coaxial 2-way 10T15MC
    Difuzoare bas
    Low-frequencies: 2 x 17 cm 17TN20
    Raspuns in frecventa
    57 -20 000 Hz
    Sensibilitate (2,83V/1 m)
    90 dB
    Putere RMS
    Power handling 100 W
    Peak power 700 W
    Impedanta nominala
    Nominal impedance 8 Ω Minimum impedance 3.2 Ω
    Frecventa crossover
    700Hz – 3,600 Hz
    99 x 21 x 30 cm
    15 kg
    Tip boxe
    Boxe de podea

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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la Boxe Cabasse Jersey MC170 dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - Boxe Cabasse Jersey MC170

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