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    Egea 3 offers the best of co-axial technology combined with twin 17cm woofers in an elegant speaker combining technology and tradition. For greater energy capacity and control in the low frequencies, with the same emotional power of the SCS technology, Iroise 3 and its twin 21cm (8”) woofers is the one to choose, whatever the user’s musical passion.
    Boxe / Pereche

    Cabasse Altura MC Egea 3

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    Cod produs: ALTURAMCEGEA3


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    Q & A: Boxe si amplificatoare

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    The key to success comes from the subtle cocktail of experience and innovation. The co-axial technology by Cabasse is a major innovation in the loudspeaker world because its principle is the closest proposal to the theoretical ideal. It results from the 60 years experience Cabasse has in driver developments and the new version of the BC13 benefits from 20 years expertise in this type of midrange-tweeter.


    Developed from the TC23, the three-way co-axial driver fitted to the top of the range speakers, including the flagship “La Sphère”, this new version of the BC13 has been optimized for even better performance when used as a two-way unit. The bandwidth is larger and the efficiency and the power handling are improved thanks to the use of new magnets offering a 30% increase in the force factor. The spatial coherency of this driver not only guarantees a faithful reproduction of timbres with no artificial coloration or lassitude in long listening, but provides a soundstage with unrivaled realism and depth.


    The 17 cm (7”) woofers of Egea 3 are an evolution of the units initially designed for the BAHIA speaker. They are fitted with a DUOCELL cone, which is based on Rohacell® foam. The first DUOCELL membranes were designed by Cabasse in the 1980s and since that time they been manufactured by robots in a Cabasse group company. The very light, but rigid and nicely damped membrane has an exponential profile and variable thickness, to obtain the most of long throw systems and powerful magnets. They bring the full precision and vivacity required for high fidelity, true to live, sound. 


    The Cabasse development protocol combines numerous measurements in an anechoic room, combining on-axis and 360° results. It guarantees a perfect control of the directivity index and the total radiated power of the system all along the frequency bandwidth to match the SCS principles. It is a key process, together with listening sessions in several rooms, in the development of the cross-over boards. The slopes can vary from 6 to 24 dB per octave for an optimal acoustical phasing, taking into account the influence of the external shape of the enclosure to optimise the qualities of the co-axial drive-units.


    The enclosures of Egea 3 and Iroise 3 look like their acoustical signature, pure and simple, free from any artificial appendix. Elegance outside, lots of technical solutions inside such as:

    - Non-parallel side panels to remove standing waves - Variable thickness (up to 31mm) cabinet panels for rigidity and neutrality with an optimised volume for accurate loading of the woofers.

    - Magnets to hold the front grill. When the speaker is being used without the grills, the front panel is free from pins or holes that can create diffraction effects. The magnets are located under the surface of the speaker, for a greater purity of sound and aesthetics.

    - The bass-reflex port is positioned at the bottom end of the enclosure and fires vertically. It therefore reduces the creation of standing waves and provides a very efficient and linear extension of the low-frequencies thanks to a 360° radiation close to the floor.

    - The spikes delivered with the Altura MC tower speakers are discrete but efficient. They allow a fine and easy adjustment of the speaker’s stability by means of an allen key once the chrome plated caps are pulled out.

    Egea 3 offers the best of co-axial technology combined with twin 17cm woofers in an elegant speaker combining technology and tradition. For greater energy capacity and control in the low frequencies, with the same emotional power of the SCS technology, Iroise 3 and its twin 21cm (8”) woofers is the one to choose, whatever the user’s musical passion.



    Specificatii tehnice pentru Boxe Cabasse Altura MC Egea 3

    1 x 2-way co-axial unit BC13
    2.7 cm Kaladex® dome tweeter
    12 cm P2C ring midrange
    2 x 17 cm Duocell woofers 17MD18LR2
    Raspuns in frecventa
    55 - 24,000 Hz
    Sensibilitate (2,83V/1 m)
    Putere RMS
    110 W
    Impedanta nominala
    3.8 - 8 ohmi
    Frecventa crossover
    1,120 - 4,400 Hz
    111 x 29 x 41 cm
    30 kg
    Putere dinamica
    770 W
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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la Boxe Cabasse Altura MC Egea 3 dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - Boxe Cabasse Altura MC Egea 3

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