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    Ai o intrebare?
    Our HA-160D 3 in 1 unit has been warmly received by fellow audiophiles since 2010. Since then, developing a stand alone DAC based on the DAC section of the HA-160D has always been on our minds. After taking into account product feedback and many more valuable suggestions from the audiophile community, we have developed the DA-160, which is fully discrete, more refined in sound and with better compatibility and connectivity. The result met all of our expectations.
    DAC-uri / Bucata

    Burson DA-160 DAC

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    ATENTIE: Produsul DAC Burson DA-160 DAC nu mai este disponibil la

    Acest lucru se datorează de cele mai multe ori faptului că producătorul Burson a încetat să mai fabrice acest model sau l-a înlocuit cu unul mai performant.

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    Our HA-160D 3 in 1 unit has been warmly received by fellow audiophiles since 2010. Since then, developing a stand alone DAC based on the DAC section of the HA-160D has always been on our minds. After taking into account product feedback and many more valuable suggestions from the audiophile community, we have developed the DA-160, which is fully discrete, more refined in sound and with better compatibility and connectivity. The result met all of our expectations.

    Fully Discrete:
    Our dissatisfaction with IC based building blocks such as IC opamps and 3 pin power supply regulators have been well aired. The DA-160 is completely free of such cost focused building blocks. Instead we have built the entire DAC with idealistic circuitry designs and top quality discrete components. The focus of our discrete approach was purely on performance.

    A More Matured And Refined Sound
    Although the DA-160 is based on the DAC section of the HA-160D, being a stand alone DAC we had more freedom to further optimise its performance. We decided to tweak the power supply network into a constant current source power supply and use two power transformers to lower the noise. The result is a more matured sound with even richer micro dynamics and substance.

    The new DA-160 is designed to be the heart of an audio system, therefore connectivity is a must. We added two sets of USB inputs to make sharing the DAC between 2 PCs or wireless player easy. Apart from the standard RCA S/PDIF, an additional Optical Toslink was also added. Furthermore there are two sets of RCA outputs running parallel to make sharing the outputs of DA-160 between the two systems possible (eg, headphone amplifier and intergraded amplifier).

    Burson HD Audio DAC

    While most of the marketing spin centres on the DAC chip, the output stages are in fact the most critical stages in any audio DAC design. They are not getting the air time that they deserve because properly designed output stages are complex and expensive, and the concept is harder to sell to a customer compared to a DAC chip model number.

    After the digital signals (0s and 1s) are converted by the DAC chip into stereo signals, A chain of output stages are needed to reconstruct, preserve and amplify the very weak analog signals. Any distortion and signal loss during these stages is irreversible. Unfortunately, due to the lack of customer awareness of the output stages, they are where most audio companies cut their costs, and it is common to see an output stage designed around a $20 IC opamp.

    The DA-160 has fully discrete output stages that are independently powered. Operating in Class-A, they ensure the highest level of signal preservation. The result is higher resolution audio playback, with a completely transparent sonic signature consistent with our ideals.

    High Density (HD) Construction

    Conventional PCB designs are not only big and clumsy, but they often leave audio equipment not optimised.

    We squeezed components close and stacked one densely populated PCB on top of another. This design process was completely manual and it complicated production. However because the sonic benefits outweighed the pain, we persisted.

    Our HD construction achieves a smaller footprint, while enhancing sonic performance by lowering noise and unwanted capacitance.


    Specificatii tehnice pentru DAC Burson DA-160 DAC

    Alte caracteristici

    Frequency response: 5Hz (-0.3dB) to 35 kHz (-1dB)
    Signal to noise ratio: >101dB at 0dB gain
    THD: 95dB/10kHz
    Output impedance: line out 25 Ohms / 45 Ohms (selectable)
    Power dissipation: >25W, internal, regulated power supply

    2 x USB Connection (Support up to 24bit @ 96Khz with 10ppm low jitter clock)
    1 x Coaxial RCA (Support up to 24bit @ 192Khz)
    1 x Toslink / SPDIF (Support up to 24bit @ 192Khz)

    2 x RCA output (line level with +6dB gain selection)
    180mm x 250mm x 80mm
    app. 5 kg


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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la DAC Burson DA-160 DAC dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - DAC Burson DA-160 DAC

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