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    REL R-328

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    Cod produs: R328

    ATENTIE: Produsul Subwoofer REL R-328 nu mai este disponibil la

    Acest lucru se datorează de cele mai multe ori faptului că producătorul REL a încetat să mai fabrice acest model sau l-a înlocuit cu unul mai performant.

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    Serie R Overview

    Serie R was conceived as a maximum value proposition in the entire REL product range possessing many of the performance attributes of our legendary Reference Sub-Bass Systems, yet realized to be more compact and affordable. This fresh design approach offers superiority in all regards over the previous R-Series through improved amplification, vastly better filter networks and upgraded cabinet and driver designs.

    Models R-528 and R-328 feature both active front-firing and a down-firing passive radiator while R-218 employs a single active driver in the down-firing configuration. The range excels in drive, extension, ease and musicality wherein their speed mixes with the greater body and heft to produce an altogether more profound musical event. 

    Each Serie R model is available in a stunning hand-rubbed piano black lacquer that will grace your living environment as well as your stereo music or film sound system.

    The R-328

    R-328 upgrades the performance of the R-218 through the use of both an active main drive unit and passive radiator. The main active driver is our much more potent Heavy 10™ -- a driver capable of handling sixty percent greater power and offering superior dynamics and speed. Added to this is a new lightweight, stiff carbon fibre 12" ABR passive radiator that is pitched quite low and thereby avoids the normal slow, plumy quality of typical ABR design. The additional driven surface area that predominantly comes into play at very low frequencies and high amplitudes has the effect of creating a variable cone surface capable of acting like a fast 10" driver for smaller more delicate material, then transforming into the equivalent of a 15" driver when demand calls for it. Internally, REL refers to this progressive driver size as VariCone™. Finally, due to the improved driver, amplifier power is upgraded to 350W.

    REL Connectivity

    A special proprietary REL High-Level Input cable is provided with each REL Sub-Bass System and is the preferred method of connecting the REL to your main speakers. This cable joins the REL to your system by connecting to the left and right channel speaker terminals of your amplifier or surround-sound receiver. This allows the REL to receive the exact same signal as your main speakers, providing for a seamless integration of low frequencies into your system. This is a very important point and together with REL's Natural RollOff™ circuitry, ensures far superior system integration of the Sub-Bass System with the main system. The High-Level connection is active whether you use your system in two-channel music or surround-sound mode. This connectivity method offers noticeable sonic improvements over the common RCA low-level interface by not only delivering the missing low frequencies by creating the realization of a "lifelike illuminated acoustic space", otherwise known as the "REL effect." Virtually any conventional separate power amplifier, integrated amplifier or receiver can be used with REL Sub-Bass Systems. Even most Class D amplifiers can interface as REL incorporates REL-D™ circuitry providing the appropriate impedance and grounding for digital amplification.

    REL Theater Reference™

    In order to take full advantage of the Low Frequency Effects channel (LFE), a channel intended for low-frequency content in film soundtracks, REL provided a .1/LFE input. Most multi-channel processors or surround-sound receivers incorporate a special subwoofer output that bypasses any internal crossover circuitry. It is with this output LFE content can be accurately reproduced and controlled independently of the High-Level input signal. Additionally, both High-Level and .1/LFE signals can be used and adjusted simultaneously in a multi-channel system. By supporting both main, centre and surround speakers with bass reinforcement, your system will sound more realistic, musical and alive through improved dynamics, range and scale of the music or film score.


    Specificatii tehnice pentru Subwoofer REL R-328

    10 in., 250mm long-throw, steel chassis
    Passive Radiator: 12 in., 300mm
    Putere RMS
    350 watts (RMS), Class D
    Raspuns in frecventa
    Lower Frequency Response in Room: 22Hz at -6 dB
    343 x 384 x 385 mm
    20.4 kg
    Passive Radiator, front-firing active woofer, down-firing passive radiator
    Alte caracteristici
    Input Connectors
    Hi Level Neutrik Speakon, Lo Level single phono, LFE phono

    Gain Control Range
    80 dB

    Phase Switch
    Yes, 0 or 180 degrees

    Protection System
    Fully Electronic with SET-SAFE
    D.C. Fault
    Output Short

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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la Subwoofer REL R-328 dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - Subwoofer REL R-328

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